Juice: The O'Malleys Book 1, contemporary Adult Romance Read online

Page 10

  “You taste like a peach.”

  “Thank you. For saying that. And…. and doing that, it was pretty amazing.”

  Her legs were shaking and she was exhausted from the intensity of it all. He jumped off her quickly.

  “Is it awful of me to break the mood to get a condom?”

  “No. Not at all,” she laughed. “I like a man who is always prepared for every eventuality.”

  Laughing he bounded over to a drawer and pulled out a foil packet. Biting it open with his teeth in an exaggerated motion that had her laughing, he rolled the condom over the head of his penis; stroking it on until he was fully sheathed. Nestling again between Cassidy’s thighs, Rory kissed her softly on the lips. Cassidy could smell the muskiness of her pussy on his breath and it turned her on even more. The kissing turned frantic and passionate and he drew her hands above her head. Rory rubbed his cock off her already saturated folds teasing both of them. He entered her in one swift thrust and she dug her nails into his back and shouted out. She was wet but he still stretched her to the fullest. Driven on by his thrusts, she bucked and grinded against him.

  “Say my name, Cassidy.”

  “Rory. She half croaked half shouted. “ Rory, I’m coming again…I’m-”

  “Now! Cum now for me, cum with me. I can’t hold back!” he said, grunting as he came pounding into her. She watched his every expression, mesmerised by his face contorted in pure ecstasy. Cassidy felt his balls tighten against her pussy and his hot cum flooded into the condom inside her. They stayed like that for a few minutes, both spent and exhausted. Rory heaved himself off her and they lay side-by-side still panting, legs still entwined.

  “Holy heavens,” Rory said, his arm thrown across his face blocking his eyes.

  “That was so hot. You are amazing! Fuck!”

  Cassidy laid her head down on the crook of her arm. What the actual heck!! What just happened here? Did I just ride the hottest guy on the frickin’ planet and have three bloody orgasms? Ah yes, you did Evans, yes you did!! She resisted the urge to take a selfie with him in the background and write ‘Tapped that’ on it and send it to Marie! Hahaha selfie indeed! She looked around suddenly and met his confused eyes.

  “What’s a selfie?”


  “Ah nothing. Do you want me to have a shower?”

  “Huh? Why the heck would I want you to do that?”

  “Just wondered, some people like to clean up after sex or before.”

  “Do you?”

  “No. My ex used to insist on me showering before and after.”

  “Who the heck have you been consorting with? No. I most defiantly do not want you to leave my bed for any other reason except for a toilet break, or if you get hungry or thirsty.”

  He felt a bit put out that she mentioned her ex just after having his cock inside her. What was it, that feeling? Bit of jealously if he was honest. Damn it! How the hell, O’Malley? How the hell did that sneak in? Hang on a minute. If her ex was her ex, he was her ex for a reason. Or else he wouldn’t be an ex, right? Why do I keep saying ex? For feck sake! She’s looking at me. Act bleedin’ normal then, ya thick.

  “Your ex sounds like a real dickhead!” he said pulling a face.

  “Yeah, he was.”

  “Right, I need food and water, my belly is hitting my back bone. How ‘bout it?”

  “We ate less than two hours ago!” she said laughing at him.

  “I could use a drink of water, or something fizzy though.”

  “Ah my darlin’ Cass. One thing you will learn very quickly. This boy has a ferocious appetite.”

  He patted his belly. Cassidy looked at his six-pack and the magical ‘V’ from her dream, as taut as a wire. Obviously burns it off!

  Lying back down on the black silky sheets and closing her eyes, she ran over the evenings events in her head. Wow! That was pretty full on.

  I can’t believe that I had sex with him after one date! Sorry, “business meeting.” Shag it, why not, I’m single, he’s single. We are both adults. And gawd he is so hot!!

  Rory slapped her playfully on the bum, making her jump out of her daydream.

  “Room service it is then madam, wait here and I shall see what I have in the magic fridge.”

  Cass dozed for a half an hour, until Rory arrived back with two steaming bowls of pasta. Her stomach grumbled at the delicious smell of seafood and vegetables in a marinara sauce, and beside it a heaped plate of homemade garlic bread.

  They ate as they talked. Cass laughed as she dribbled sauce down her chin and Rory licked it off making little satisfied noises.

  “You really are a very good cook.”

  “My mama taught us all to cook. She was determined to instil certain skills in us to ensure we weren’t entirely useless when out on our own. I make a mean beef stew too.”

  Cass loved watching him talk, he was entirely animated and had no idea how sexy it was to watch him.

  “Your mama did a great job Rory. She sounds like a woman who has her head screwed on. And also needs a street named after her, maybe.”

  “Oh for the love of God, don’t ever, ever say that to her.” Rory took the leftovers and bowls and carried them to the sideboard at the end of the bed, before returning to her and sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “She’s one in a million all right. I love her dearly. Now, are you all refreshed and full, woman? I have plans for you.”

  Cass yelped as Rory caught her leg and pulled her down the bed towards him.

  He made love to her slowly for hours. Touching each and every inch of her body, he worshipped each part or her, taking his time and taking her to the edge every time, before hurtling her down into the depths of ecstasy. Beads of sweat pebbled on his forehead, as he rocked them both back and forth and lifted her onto his lap so she could control the pace. They groaned together and Cass lost herself in the sweet agony of restraint and release.

  In between their lovemaking, they held each other and talked of family and friends, and their lives before they had met. Cass shared her pain, she opened herself up to him, taking a chance and trusting him with her grief. She spoke of Harry, and also the brutality of Jonathan. She told him of the assault, which had turned the air blue with expletives from Rory; that had both shocked and thrilled her. She shed tears that had been pent-up inside her for years, letting Rory hold her as she shook with the ferocity of her feelings.

  Rory rubbed her hair and soothed her, whispering words in Irish that she didn’t understand, but they felt strangely comforting. Rory told her about each of his siblings making her laugh loudly at their antics. And then they were silent, Cass snuggled into him and watched him fall asleep smiling softly to himself. Listening to his breathing become more and more relaxed and steady, her eyes began to droop and she drifted off satisfied and slept like a log.


  Many a ragged colt

  Made a noble horse.

  Irish proverb

  Cass woke in late afternoon to find the bed empty. She ran her hand across the Rory shaped depression in the bed and rolled over on top of it. She couldn’t stop smiling. She hadn’t felt this happy and free in such a long time. Maybe ever. She could hear Rory singing in the kitchen and stuck her head out of the bed.

  “Ah…are you okay Rory?”

  “Afternoon lovely, yeah I’m grand. Just cooking breakfast, lie back and relax or have a shower it you’d like, it’ll be ready in a jiffy.”

  Cass crawled out of the bed and went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she struggled to recognise the face staring back. It was a happy face, contented and sated. She pushed her hair back and went over to the shower turning on the spray. Memories of the night before flooded her mind and she wrapped her arms around her waist. Showering quickly, she shampooed and rinsed her hair letting the warm water wash over her. Her body was sore and achy after their lovemaking. It had been a long time since she had slept with Jonathan and nearly two years since she had seen him. And no one since the
n. She had never been sore after Jonathan, never been so satisfied either. Cass had never had an orgasm with Jonathan during sex. She had lost count after six times with Rory. Why him, what’s so different about him?

  “Hey!” Rory popped his head around the door and smiled at Cass.

  “Breakfast is ready. I’ll set it up out on the balcony. Is that okay?”

  “Hey, that’s great,” Cass called from the shower. “Be one minute.”

  Gawd! He cooks, he loves his family and art and he gives mega orgasms, this guy is a keeper.

  Cass dried herself quickly, looked at her crumpled dress still on the floor and threw on a pair of Rory’s shorts and a vest top. She joined Rory on the balcony. He was wolfing down a full English breakfast.

  “Wow, where did you find all this?”

  “I woke early so went to the shops to get some food and a paper. Did you sleep well? You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, you look pretty good yourself.

  You didn’t have to cook for me,” she said as she filled a plate with crispy bacon and a two slices of toast. Rory smirked at her.

  “I thought I should build you up in case you were planning on burning a few calories later, nudge, nudge wink, wink.” Cass burst out laughing and Rory joined her.

  “Hey! I’m trying to seduce you here Cassidy. What the heck?”

  “Well consider me seduced, that was smooth! Seriously, thank you. I had a great time last night and you sure can cook a mean fry up. As much as my brain cries for fruit and juice, my body wants bacon and coffee. Score one to you, Rory,” she smiled coyly.

  “So, I’m thinking Paris next Friday?”


  “I’d like to go to Paris next week with you and look at some small galleries. I have a fair idea of what I’m looking for, but don’t want to choose anything without your opinion. I also have a meeting in Paris, so it would be killing two birds with one stone. What do you think? Can you get away from the gallery for a week?”

  Cass thought on it for a nanosecond swallowing a mouthful and licking bacon grease from the side of her mouth with her tongue.

  “Of course! That sounds great, wow! Paris, I haven’t been for a couple of years. When will we go? Do I need to book flights? Aghhhh!! So exciting! When are we going?”

  “Geesh woman, calm down!” he said laughing and pulling her close to him.

  “We have a private plane. Not my own. My family share it. It just happens to be available at the moment so flights are not a problem.”

  Rory grabbed Cass by the wrist and pulled her around the table and down onto his lap. He was so enamoured by her excitement. It was a novelty to see someone so excited about travelling to Paris. He had brought a few girlfriends away in the past and none had shown any great interest in seeing any sights. Sights that didn’t include the Cartier or Louis Vuitton stores anyway. She was such an open book. All wild hair and smiles, she reminded him of home and his crazy sisters and cousins. Happy girls who loved the simple things and appreciated a man’s worth. Not just his net worth.

  He kissed her then and along with the rise in his pants, he felt a rise in his heart. Where had that come from? Wherever it came from, it felt good that the organ was still working properly.

  Cass happily kissed him back and moved her body around so that she was astride him. She grounded her shorts against his sweat pants and felt him harden against her. She stood up between his legs and pulled down her shorts. Rory gave her a light smack on the arse.

  “Hey. Commando, I like it.”

  She squashed his mouth against hers, nipping him as she stepped out of her shorts. He lifted his bum and slid down his own shorts, his erection hard and thick against his belly. Cass grasped him in one hand; he breathed in sharply and muttered a cruse beneath his breath. She lowered herself onto him without any foreplay and began to move slowly back and forth gripping the back of the metal outdoor chair. She got into a rhythm quickly and used her feet against the ground to alternate between back and forth and up and down strokes.

  “Jesus Cass, Jesus.”

  She had all the power, as she rode him he clasped his hands roughly on either side of her hips. He tried to kiss her and she moved her head away, preferring instead to gaze into his eyes as she brought them both to the edge.

  “No kissing, I want to see you. I want to watch your face.”

  He rose suddenly, and held onto her thighs as he brought her to the wall inside the kitchen. Her back banged against it as he lifted and pounded into her again and again. Cass fisted his hair and dragged his head back; she bit down hard on his shoulder. It thrilled her to see him clench his teeth and hiss through his lips. She came just before him; her thighs shook as he held her there nestling in her hair. He whispered promises and endearments until his breath became ragged and he clenched around her.

  He lowered her gently to the floor, as she moved away he caught her chin in his right hand and lifted her face until her eyes met his.

  “I am yours as long as you want me. There will be no one else while I share your bed. Is it the same for you Cass? Tell me now if it’s the same for you.”

  “It is,” Cass said. And meant every word of it. Only his, always his.

  He nodded at her and took her mouth, roughly probing his tongue against her teeth.


  T’is a lonely washing,

  That has no man’s shirt in it.

  Irish proverb

  The Eiffel tower shone like a beacon through the hotel room window. Cass stood with her back to Rory and stared at the autumn scene in front of her a look of wonder and contentment on her face. Rory pretended to read the financial times, while really he was using it as a shield to take sneaky looks at Cass. She looked beautiful and really happy. He felt a warm glow in his heart as he watched her. The last five days in Paris had been fantastic, only two nights left in the city and already he was feeling anxious about going home. Everything here felt so right, so perfect and so easy. Cass was effortlessly sweet and clever, funny and kind. He found himself enjoying her company more than he ever expected to. And the sex, Christ it was electric. He tried to pretend it was because he hadn’t had sex in so long, but he knew he was lying to himself. He had never felt like this, so hard and hot for someone. She only had to look at him with her wide green eyes and he was carefree and giddy. The little things seemed to make her happy. She hadn’t wanted to go shopping at any of the stores, instead she had grabbed his hand and dragged him through the Louvre gallery oohhing and ahhing at the paintings she had seen many, many times before. They took photos beside paintings and made funny faces behind the security guards. He now knew more about Velazquez and Botticelli than he had ever thought possible. He knew her favourite painting was the ‘Infanta Margarita Theresa.’ And he loved it. He loved learning more and more about her every day. He loved watching her open up to him like a flower. She shared her knowledge with him so generously and he admired her intelligence and her passion. She was so interested in each brushstroke each thought that the artist might have felt while painting. They had gone for coffee and pastries in Montmartre and she had fallen in love with an amber necklace in an antique shop window.

  “Wouldn’t you prefer something newer?” he had asked. Cass had looked at him and frowned shaking her head.

  “No. No, the fact that someone has worn it and loved it before, only adds to its value to me. It’s beautiful.”

  She had held back her hair as he tied the clasp around her neck. It was beautiful and made just for her, little orbs of amber encased in filigree silver. She had looked in the mirror and touched it longingly.

  “Let me buy it for you,” Rory had said. Not even giving a passing glance to the €2,000 price tag.

  “Absolutely NOT. But, thanks very much for the offer. You are really sweet, Rory. I like to buy my own things. I wouldn’t like to feel indebted to you.”

  He had her pushed a bit but dropped the subject when she put her foot down and refused to accept it as a gift.
  It burned a hole in Rory’s pocket, as he dipped his hand inside to feel it between his fingers. He would give it to her when it felt right. Admiring her principles, he was reminded again just how different she was from other women he had spent time with. They would have sneered at the price tag and moved along to a more expensive collection. Not Cass. She was fiercely independent and seemed to have little interest in gaining anything from him. He tapped his hand against his pocket. She would love it, he was sure.



  “Do you want to go out for dinner or stay in?”

  “Oh go out, please. I mean how often do you get to Paris? Let's find somewhere small and intimate, out of the tourist zone and have a chat about the galleries we need to visit tomorrow.”

  Rory rose up from his seat and wandered over to her. Holding her hair back from her face he kissed her cheek softly. She turned and moved her mouth over his making a little satisfied noise.

  “Thank you so much for bringing me here Rory, I love it.”

  “Hey. Hey you are doing me a favour here. I need your expertise and your artist’s eye to invest in some really spectacular art. What we have bought so far is just perfect for the Irish resorts. I have friends here, Marcel Du Pont and his partner Phillippe. I have to meet him tomorrow night. Apparently he wants to show off some new piece he is buying from a dealer in Lyon. They have invited us for dinner. Are you okay to come with me?”

  “Love to.”

  The following night Cass and Rory walked along the seine, admiring the cafes and the beautiful architecture of the city. Autumn leaves swirled along the road beside them, and the evening air was crisp and light.

  “It’s just up here on Rue de Anglos.” Rory pointed to a quiet side street.

  Cass smiled up at him and he started swinging their hands back and forth. “Such a beautiful area.”

  Rory nodded at her. “I love Paris, everything about it is magical. Sharing it with you has made it look even more beautiful.”