Juice: The O'Malleys Book 1, contemporary Adult Romance Read online

Page 12

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Cass. Come here.” Cass obeyed and walked over towards him slowly. He crushed her against his chest and took his black polo neck jumper over his head and threw it on the floor.

  “Lie down on your belly, Cassidy.”

  Cass lay down on the plush velvet electric blue throw. She could hear the buckle of his belt and felt herself already eager and flushed as he moved around the bed. He moved over to a bedside locker and took out a bottle of oil. Cass moved her head completely to the side to look at him; he was beautiful in his nakedness. She would never tire of looking at him. The suppleness of his skin, each groove and ridge now familiar to her. His body was a discovery. She loved every inch of him; she could sit for hours gazing upon the perfection that was his form. Reaching out to touch him she grumbled as he shook his head slowly. “Not yet tiger, wait a while. I want to know you. Every part of you. I want to touch and count every freckle. I need to feel your soft skin under my fingertips.”

  She smiled at him then and thought how in sync their thoughts were. Her anticipation grew as he climbed on top of her back and straddled her. His balls and cock were warm against her skin, and she felt comfortable and safe with his weight and heat on top of her. She yelped as the oil hit the skin between her shoulder blades. Rory shushed her gently and began to rub her softly, kneading and caressing her shoulders in a rhythm that had her closing her eyes and melting into the bed. Brushing her hair to one side, he continued the massage as he shifted his weight further down her back until he was resting on her bottom. Dragging his fingernails up and down her back, he alternated between soft and hard, quick and slow. She moaned as he pushed the heel of his palm into her lower back, one hand on either side pushing in an upward motion. Lost in the warmth of it, she felt tears prick the back of her eyes. No one had ever treated her so tenderly between their fingers. No one had touched every part of her as though she were precious. His hands on her were like a balm, a tonic and she felt every bit of fear and anxiety leaving her body. She was lost in him, every touch and caress telling her that he was safe, he was true.

  “I’m falling in love with you, Cass,” he murmured softly into her ear as he brushed his lips against her neck. He laid down completely covering her back and rested his head on her shoulder. They stared into each other’s eyes and welcomed the stillness they shared. The beauty of the moment caught inside them both as they lay shaking together, their eyes locked in an embrace stronger that any physical pairing. Before he was even inside her, Rory knew. He knew that they were already joined. Already one. He raised his torso up and pulled her up onto her knees. She watched him in the mirror that hung above the headboard. He touched his hand between her legs and she pushed back onto him her orgasm already rising. He knelt behind her and their eyes locked in the mirror. He entered her slowly from behind and she parted her lips because she knew he was watching, and he mirrored the action. Their eyes never leaving each other through the mirror, he moved slowly inside her and kept up a steady rhythm. Cass could see the inner strength it took for him to remain calm. She smiled at him as she saw the tendons and veins in his neck tighten, with the sheer force it took him not to pound into her and finish. He put his arm across her breasts and drew her back into him so they were both kneeling up on the bed. Still inside her, he moved his hips back and forth and in circular motions, applying the slightest bit of pressure. Cass moaned against him and watched her breasts rise and fall in the mirror.

  Her eyes were drawn to her own breasts; she became fascinated by them, their heaviness seeming to swell even more when his hands were touching them. He loved her breasts and took every opportunity to stroke and fondle them. She loved the power they had over him, the power she had over him. During the days in Paris she would brush past him on purpose, moving her breasts against his arm. She would see the immediate rise in his trousers as he looked into her eyes and followed her into the bedroom. Touching him lightly on the leg, had him turning her head sharply to look at her and then the slow burn started. Sometimes she would keep it going all day, teasing him until they fell into the room, and he fucked her against the door before she had even got her coat off. He was mad for her and she loved it.

  Cass turned her concentration back to the mirror. Rory was sweating now too from the effort it took to maintain the pose. She had never watched herself orgasm before and was so turned on she couldn’t stop herself from coming. She cried out and opened her mouth making little noises that she had never heard come from her lips before. Rory put his thumb in her mouth and she bit down on it, frantic and wanting to draw him into the big one. She knew that with Rory, the big come was always just around the corner. She clenched her muscles around his cock when she came and he bent her down and shifted his position so he was behind her again. His hands bruised her sides, and he started to fuck her in earnest. The second wave was already building; he started to moan softly in time with his strides. Cass pushed back against his cock in time with his thrusts.

  “You are so fucking sweet Cass. So wet and tight. I want to come all over your ass and your tits. I want to fuck you so hard you scream for mercy.”

  His moans grew louder and he was starting to talk incoherently, she knew he was ready for a release soon.

  “That’s it Rory. You fuck me so hard. My pussy is begging for your cock. I love feeling your cock inside me. I love your big cock pumping my pussy.”

  Rory slammed into her grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. “Tell me who is fuckin’ ya. Tell me who fucks you the best.” He was snarling now, his eyes wild and caught up in pure abandon.

  “You, Rory. You fuck me so good.”

  “Now, Cass.” Cass came and exploded around his cock as he panted and let out a gut wrenching grunt as he bit into her back. Her orgasm kept going and she was lost in the force of it as she shook beneath him. She collapsed down on the bed and he rested on top of her, their bodies slick and slippery from oil and sweat. He was still inside her and her nostrils filled with the smell of sex and sweat. She turned her head to the right and moved her hair back from her face to look at him.

  “Sleep Cass,” he said as he moved off her and drew the velvet throw over them both.

  “We have an hour to rest and sleep, I’ve set the alarm on my phone. We can wake and shower before we land.” Cass mumbled into the pillow and drifted off immediately into a dreamless sleep. It was a black hole of warmth and womblike comfort that she craved. When she woke Rory was already awake and staring at her, he rubbed her cheek and kissed her hard on the lips.

  “Time to wake up gorgeous girl. We landed two hours ago.”

  Cass rubbed his shoulder. “What about the flight attendant and the pilot?”

  “They disembarked and phoned through to say they were leaving.”

  “Do you think they heard us?” Cass asked him already knowing the answer. She groaned and pulled the throw over her head. “I think if they didn’t hear us they need to get a hearing check at their earliest convenience,” he laughed. Cass swiped at him and he ducked from her hand. “Don’t you care?”

  “Nope. I am in the back of my plane fucking my hot girlfriend. I’m sure the only thing they thought was a mixture of jealousy and horniness, as the listened to us talk about my cock and your wet tight pussy. I don’t care about them. They are well compensated for having to listen to us. They’ve never had to listen to my fucking anyone before. This is a first for me.” Cass tried to keep the smile off her face. He saw and caught her chin between his fingers.

  “I have never, and will never, fuck anyone on this plane but you. I wasn’t joking when I said I was falling in love with you Cassidy. It wasn’t only sex talk. You may want to keep me at arm’s length and tell me it is just a fling, but for me, it has changed. We may not have known each other long, but I know what I feel. I’m big enough and ugly enough to know what my heart feels. And it feels you, Cass. Every part of you calls out to every part of me. And I’ve learned one thing in my life, when you’re call
ed, you answer. He released her chin and kissed her softly on the nose, patted her arse and jumped off the bed and into the shower. Cass lay on her back, kicked her legs in the air and smiled up to the ceiling. She was in love with Rory. She didn’t even need to think about it. She was hopelessly infatuated with him. Only seven days in Paris, and she couldn’t remember her life before him. She remembered feelings and emotions before Rory, but never as strong or as sure as she was now.


  Three months later

  Cass walked into the gallery with her arms full of Frappuccinos and cupcakes. Marie opened the door for her and ushered her in.

  “Ah, the wanderer returns. Where were you this weekend?”

  “We flew to Scotland Marie, it was beautiful. Do you and Mark fancy coming for dinner tomorrow night?”

  “Sure, sounds good. Will you ask Rory to make that stew again? Mark hasn’t stopped raving about it since we had it last month. I swear to God Cass, I think Mark as a total bromance thing happening with Rory. Every second thing out of his mouth is ‘Rory said this, Rory said that.’ I’m starting to get worried about him. Next thing you know he’ll be putting a Rory poster over the bed.”

  “Is it wrecking your head?” Cass asked her with concern. They had all been spending a lot of time together lately. She didn’t want to be crowding them, or heaven forbid trying to replace Harry in their lives.

  “Nah, I’m only joking, sure we’re both mad about him. How could we not be? He is sweet and genuine and he is kind of obvious in his adoration for you. Which is a huge plus in our eyes. I’m so happy for you Cass. You of all people deserve this to work out.”

  “He’s invited me to his parents for Christmas Marie, in Ireland. I am so excited to meet them. I feel like I know them all already.”

  “Yeah, they sound like a mad bunch all right. Come here, what’s the story with his sister, Aoife? She’s the only one he doesn’t talk about and anytime I’ve spoken to Darragh about her, he’s been a bit hushed too. What’s her story?” Cass cocked her head to one side and pursed her lips.

  “I think he’s just really protective of her, Darragh too. She was very sick when she was younger. Some kind of lung disease. She’s better now though.”

  Marie nodded. “Ah, that’s it, poor girl. That can’t have been easy.”

  “Hey, girls.” Cass looked up and beamed when she saw Rory coming into the gallery. It didn’t matter how much time she spent with him. It was always the same. Her face and her heart lit up when she saw him. A little piece of her slotted into place when he was around.

  “Hey Rory,” Marie said smiling. “Mark’s upstairs doing the books; I’ll let him know you’re here. He was looking to talk to you about golfing on Sunday next, if you’re interested?”

  Rory grabbed a Frappuccino and a chocolate cupcake and started to munch on it wiping the frosting from his upper lip.

  “That sounds great Marie, I’d love too. Any chance of you two lovely ladies caddying for us again?”

  Cass laughed.

  “Yeah two hopes, slim and none! I think after the last time, Marie and I will sit in the club house and do the whole “ladies who lunch” bit. Not a fan of getting soaking wet. Or having you two driving a golf cart around like you’re at the bloody grand prix!”

  Rory laughed and hugged her to him.

  “Hmm, I remember you looked shit hot in your wet t-shirt. I definitely think I could get to like wet and wild, Cass.” Marie groaned.

  “Oh, stop it you two. It’s making my breakfast want to heave itself onto the floor watching you moon over each other. Back in a sec.”

  Marie left the office and went upstairs to find Mark. Rory whispered in Cass’ ear.

  “I could look at those tits in a wet t-shirt every day of the week. Thanks for last night by the way. You’ll have to explain to me how you managed that position. And I definitely think another demonstration is in order.”

  Cass blushed and licked the remaining frosting from his mouth.

  “Maybe, if you are very, very good.”

  She was rewarded with a crack on the arse that had her yelping and running away from him.

  Mark and Marie came down the stairs chatting; Mark walked straight over to Rory and shook his hand gripping him on the shoulder.

  “Hey, Rory good to see you. How’re things?”

  “Good to see you Mark. Busy, busy. Are you coming over tomorrow night guys? I’m doing a stew especially for you. Bring a few beers maybe. I have a bottle of Irish whiskey my uncle sent over for me, it needs an airing.”

  Mark’s eyes lit up and Cass felt her heart squeeze for her friend. Mark had been so lonely since Harry’s death and hadn’t bonded with anyone in London until he met Rory. It did her heart good to see him open himself up to Rory’s friendship and she knew Marie felt it too.

  “Oh, by the way, there is a Gala ball on in the Morton Hotel next Friday week. It’s in aid of a charity I’m involved with, for children within the foster system. I’m not usually a fan of these type of things, but it’s a worthy cause and the money does make a huge difference. Anyway I have plenty of tickets, and thought we could all go. Darragh is going too. No pressure, if-”

  “Yes!” yelled Marie and Cass in unison, while Mark shook his head. Rory looked at him his eyebrows raised.

  Mark smirked at him. “These two heard the word ball and they are already sold. I’m sure we would love to attend. Dress code?”

  “Oh, black tie all the way. Ladies, get the bling and glad rags out of the wardrobe. You are going to the ball.”

  Cass and Marie squealed, and then buried their heads together talking in hushed whispers about gowns and shoes. Mark nodded towards Rory.

  “You’ve lost them for the day. No further talking or work shall be done in the gallery. Fancy joining me for a chat up stairs.”

  “I sure do,” said Rory looking at the two girls as though they had sprouted wings.


  Patience is a poultice for all wounds.

  Irish proverb

  Rory let his hand hover above the phone for a moment before he picked up the receiver and made the call.

  Maybe no one would be home, maybe he could leave it for another few days. Nope. His father answered on the second ring.

  “Hello, Gearóid O’Malley speaking.”

  “Hey dad, its Rory, just giving a quick ring to check up on you guys. How’re ya?”

  “Hey Rory, just one minute son. Louisa, it’s Ror on the phone! She's coming now, Rory. Hang on one second. Jaysus, that woman! She is talking to Mary outside, Louisa! Louisa!”

  “Dad. Dad!” Rory shouted into the phone exasperated. How had his dad survived in the business world for as long as he had when he still didn’t seem to understand basic phone etiquette?

  “Hi Rory I’m back, your mother is on the other line. Say hi.”

  “Hi mama.”

  “Rory! How are you, are you coming home for Christmas, it’s only six weeks away? We will all be here, Granny O’Malley and Rian. Darragh’s coming too, but I suppose you know that already. And Annie with the girls. They are getting so big. And Aoife too, she is so looking forward to seeing you. You can’t disappoint her now. Can you?”

  She sounded almost pleading on the phone, it tugged at his heart. He put his head back and looked up at the ceiling of his office and sighed softly. Biting his lip he made a spilt second decision.

  “Yeah, I’m coming home for Christmas and I’m bringing someone with me. Someone I’d like you all to meet.”

  “A woman!” his dad practically jumped down the phone.

  “Oh a girl Gearóid, he’s bringing a girl!”

  “I heard that Louisa. Oh wait, is it a girl Ror? Because if it’s another man that’s fine with us. We are totally fine with homosexuality in this house, you know. No homophobes here. We know all about it and love…when love hits you and you can’t-”

  “Dad…dad…DAD!! It’s a woman okay, a woman.”

  Rory heard his mamma co
ugh lightly.

  “Oh Gearóid, you and your dry humour. And is she staying here? What am I saying? Of course she is. Oh I’ll get the spare room ready. Granny O’Malley will be delighted. She said yesterday, that you were never going to produce a grandchild. She said you spend too much time with floozies and you would never find a nice girl. Is she a nice girl?”

  “Ah-” His father coughed.

  “Louisa, I thought Granny O’Malley said that Rory was gay and he hung with floozies because he needed a moustache?”

  Rory heard his dad whispering and took the handset from his ear and stared at it.

  His mother sounded confused.

  “A beard Gearóid. I’m sure she said a beard. Is it a beard they say Rory or a moustache?”

  “A beard, she’s a beard. NO! Wait! They say beard, this girl is not a beard. She’s a woman! Where the heck did Granny hear that, for heaven’s sake?”

  “She was watching Brokeback Mountain at the community hall and this young lad doesn’t want to tell his parents that he is gay, so he has a wife. Mary Conway told her she was a-um-beard. She thought maybe-”

  “No mama, I have no secrets to impart, I am straight. Although, if this disappoints you I can always-”

  “No. You’re fine Rory, as long as she is a nice girl and she is treating you right. What am I saying, son? Oh of course she is a nice girl. Of course she is. Is she? Now don't take this the wrong way son but, is she that April one who rang here a few times looking for you?”

  Rory gritted his teeth, damn April and her craziness. Darragh, had obviously filled them all in. He reminded himself to never tell his brother anything again.

  “No mama, it’s not her, this girl…this girl is an artist, her name is Cass. Cassidy Evans.”

  “Oh,” his parents said simultaneously.

  His father spoke first.

  “An artist you say. Sure that’s great, lad. She sounds like a lovely girl altogether. I remember back in the 60’s, I had a girl of my own who was an artist. No. No I’m wrong there, Rory. She was an artist’s model. All free love and that kind of thing. That girl spent more time with her clothes off, I’ll tell you a story about her. Once, when we all had a bit of pot, you see-” Rory blocked his ears momentarily.