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Juice: The O'Malleys Book 1, contemporary Adult Romance Page 13
Juice: The O'Malleys Book 1, contemporary Adult Romance Read online
Page 13
“Mama, are you still there?”
“I’m here; maybe we’ll keep that one for the grandchildren darling.”
“Okay,” said his dad, and Rory could almost see the twinkle of mischief in his dad’s eyes.
“Looking forward to seeing you, Rory. When will you fly in?”
“On the twenty first. How’s Aoife?”
Silence echoed around the line and Rory shut his eyes picturing her in his head. Aoife, his baby sister lying in the bed coughing and wheezing for breath. Now she was better, better in body but her mind was still stuck somewhere between joy at the chance of life and sadness at the way in which she had been given a second chance.
“She has her good days and bad days Ror. The doctor has been to see her. He says it will take time for her to adjust.”
“It’s been three years!”
“She needs time to process it all. If she could meet the persons family. Maybe it would help. She has written a few letters. But, never posts them. She is afraid they will hate her.” Rory heard the crack in his mothers’ voice and knew he was making the right decision. Cass could give his sister peace. Give her permission to live again. He would have to convince her to cooperate. But he was used to negotiations and Cass had a good heart. She would help him. He was sure of it.
“Right guys, I love you both and I’ll see you on the twenty first. I’ll keep in touch.” His parents spent another five minutes saying goodbyes, but Rory’s mind was already somewhere else. Planning and plotting. He had to make this work. For Aoife, for Cass, for all of them.
One cockroach always recognises another.
Irish proverb
Cass and Marie giggled in the bedroom, while Rory and Mark paced in the kitchen.
“Does it always take so long?” Rory asked Mark looking at his watch. He was due to give a speech at the gala dinner. Marie opened the door and stepped out. Mark flew over to her.
“Holyyyyyyyy shit Marie. You look amazing.” Marie smiled at him and twirled in front of them. Dressed in a knee-length silver sequined dress, she looked like a little fairy doll.
Rory smiled at her.
“Beautiful Marie!”
“Cass, Rory is hitting on me!” Marie called back into the bedroom. Rory stared at her open mouthed. Mark laughed loudly. “Don’t worry, she’s taking the piss, mate.” Rory shook his head. “You guys are nuts.”
“Do you have a limo outside Rory?” Marie asked.
“I sure do guys, do you want to go ahead and sit in it.” Rory shook his head as the two fumbled out the door at lightning speed. He was so fond of them both. They were a lovely couple, so full of fun and obvious in their adoration of each other.
Looking at the photo frames on Cass’ windowsill, he came across one of Harry and Cass at their school graduation. The two of them arm and arm, their black caps far back on their heads. Cass had her hand on her hips and was leaning into Harry, her head thrown back and her eyes laughing. Harry had his arm slung protectively across Cass’ shoulders and was looking at her. His face was soft and the love he shared for his sister shone brightly on his face. Rory felt a wave of guilt wash over him.
I’m sorry fella; I’ve been a right bastard. I’ll tell her tonight. I promise you. No matter what the consequences are, I’m telling her. I did it for my baby sister, I hope you understand that. I never guessed for a minute that I’d fall for Cass. I bet you did though. I bet you knew that no man could be around her for very long without becoming consumed by her. I love her Harry. And I wish I could have told you how much.
“Hey you.”
Rory turned and was almost rendered breathless by the vision in front of him. Cass was dressed in a chocolate coloured velvet gown. It was tight, moulded to her body hugging each luscious curve. It was long; he could see matching high heeled sandals peeping from the bottom. A slit was cut high in her thigh and he could see just the hint of a lacy stocking when she moved. The top of the dress was strapless and pushed her breasts up high and proud. She wore silver drop earrings and her hair was pushed over to one side and held there with a white begonia. She looked like a 1940’s siren of the silver screen. She smiled then and her blood red lipstick contrasted with her white teeth. Her eyes were smoky and her lashes heavy and black. He stood for a moment and just stared.
“Is it okay?” she asked tentatively.
“Is it okay?” he laughed quietly. “Cass, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. If I never saw you again, this memory would haunt me for the rest of my days.”
Cass looked at him her head turned to one side. “Why would you never see me again?
Are you planning on going somewhere hot stuff?” She moved over to him and wrapped herself around him, her small arms inside his jacket made his heart melt and freeze at the same time. He didn’t want to lose her, but the deception was more than he could bear. He had started out trying to ascertain if she was a danger to Aoife. He realised how ignorant and insensitive he had been. He had no business interfering in her life, in her family’s lives. They had given so selflessly already. What the hell did they owe him or his family? Sweet fuck all. He was deeply ashamed of himself and coming clean later tonight was the very least he could do. He would travel to Devon too and tell her parents face to face. He owed them that honesty, at the very least.
“Are you okay, Rory? You seem sad tonight. If you would rather not go, I don’t mind.
I mean Marie will obviously hate your guts for all eternity and curse you and future generations of your seed, but hey, she’s just one girl, right?” she smiled at him and searched his face wondering where all this had come from.
“Do you think people can forgive Cass? I mean really forgive, when they’ve been hurt by the one they love. The one who professes to love them?” She reached up to his face and put her palm on his cheek. He leaned his face into it, kissing her palm.
“I believe that love conquers all Rory. I believe that love is stronger than hate. And I believe that intention is key. Good intention means everything. I could forgive anything once the intention was good.”
Rory felt a spark of hope in his heart. Were his intentions good? He had intended to help Aoife. By using Cassidy, asshole.
“Close your eyes, Cass.”
“Why? You know I hate surprises.”
“Trust me on this one. I have something for you. Something I want to give you.” He smiled at her and turned her around.
“You don’t have to give me anything, Ror. Just you, that’s all I need.”
Rory laughed softly. “Just for once, will you be a girl and enjoy me fawning all over you? Turn around.” Cass bit her lip and turned around putting her hand over her eyes.
She felt Rory moving his hands across her neck and head, and a little click as a clasp was closed.
“Now. Open them.” Cass turned to him and smiled before she walked over to the mirror. She gasped when she saw the amber stones wrapped in delicate silver.
“From Paris, oh Rory. It’s so beautiful. It’s too much.” He moved over beside her.
“Nothing will ever be enough, Cassidy Evans. You mean more to me than anyone else in the world.”
He ran his finger over the amber stones. “Every time you wear it and it touches your skin, it is me caressing you.” Cass stared at him in the mirror their eyes locking together and she was reminded of the plane ride back from Paris.
“I love it, I just love it Rory.” She kissed him softly on the mouth and the kiss stayed soft. This moment was tender, not devoid of passion, but different to it. A kiss filled with love and a mutual respect for the feelings themselves. When it broke Cass was disappointed to see the same sadness still in Rory’s eyes. He was hiding something from her. Something important and something that made her feel afraid. Then just like that, it was gone and Rory was back. He scooped her up in his arms as she squealed as he carried her down to the limo where Marie was reapplying her lipstick. Rory didn’t even want to guess what the two of them had bee
n doing in the car. Mark whistled when he saw Cass and groaned when Marie thumped him on the arm. “Eyes to the front lover boy. You do not take your eyes from me tonight. And if you’re very well behaved you just might get the good lovin’ tonight.” Cass turned to Rory and made a half laughing, half puking face. He leaned his head back against the headrest and laughed silently, his shoulders shaking.
“Holy shit,” Marie whispered to Cass as they entered the ballroom. It was seriously expensive. You could almost smell the money in the room. Marie elbowed Cass lightly. “And look what I brought for us,” she opened her purse and pointed to the small bottle of vodka in her bag.
“Jesus Marie. It’s a flipping free bar.” Marie shrugged and closed her purse. They wandered around the room taking it all in, as Rory introduced Mark to a golfing legend that he had wanted to meet. Marie told him she would rather remove her eyeballs with a spoon than join them. They took canapés off silver trays and necked Champagne from the servers’ trays. Cass laughed to herself as she watched Marie push herself through the crowd. She had insisted on getting a free cocktail. Typical Marie.
As she waited for Marie in a small alcove, she took a breath and her eyes scanned the room for Rory. She found him easily enough. His shiny black hair visible above most of the crowd. She felt a wave of love for him then, her beautiful Irishman. She turned and headed towards the bar, gasping as she bumped into someone.
“Oh I beg your pardon, so sorry.” She raised her eyes and stilted suddenly when she saw her ex, Jonathan Smith blocking her path.
“Cassidy, you look lovely. Good to see you again,” he looked embarrassed and awkward. Cass was bombarded with feelings and pictures in her mind. Jonathan holding her hand at Harry’s funeral, hate, love, hurt. Jonathan standing over her looking crazed in their apartment on the night he hit her. Crying, pain and anger. She stood her ground as he looked at her.
“Jonathan.” She noticed he was with a woman. Unlike his usual leggy blondes this one was tall and dark. Her sable hair shone like a blackbird’s wing and her eyes were icy and blue. She looked at Cass and sniggered to herself. Cass felt her stomach turn as she watched the woman turn to Jonathan and whisper into his ear. He nodded slowly and began to speak and again. “There’s something you should know-”
“Get the fuck away from her, you prick,” Cass turned to see Marie standing to the left of them.
She looked slightly ridiculous with her pink spiky hair only coming up to Jonathan’s Shoulder. Cass felt a bubble of laughter in her throat as she noticed that Marie held two cocktails complete with lighted sparklers and little umbrellas.
“Move on, or I’ll have you arrested in front of all these nice people. I’m sure they’d be interested to know all about your extracurricular activities, Jonathan. Drugs, girlfriend beating, it all sounds so very Hollywood. Not really thought highly of over here though,” Marie looked fierce suddenly. He eyes shone with rage and she was visibly shaking.
Jonathan had the decency to look suddenly embarrassed and Cass watched as he looked to the woman and she nodded at him. They melted back into the crowd. Cass felt a feeling of dread as the black haired beauty looked over her shoulder and caught Cass’ eye. A smirk plastered on her perfect face. What the hell was going on?
“Are you okay?” Marie asked as she put her arm around Cass. Cass nodded. “Say nothing to Rory, Marie. Not tonight. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
Cass turned to Marie her eyes flashing.
“No buts, Marie. Not tonight. It’s an important night for him. I don’t want him going crazy about Jonathan. I don’t know why he’s here, but after tonight I can go back to never seeing or thinking about him again.” Marie looked at her and nodded slowly.
“Against my better judgement, I’m agreeing to keep this quiet for a total of twelve hours. Not a minute longer. And for the record, I think you are wrong to keep it from Rory. That sad sack of shit should have to come face to face with Rory. He should get his comeuppance Cass, and Rory’s just the man to deliver it. I’d love to cut his balls and feed them to his stuck up bitch girlfriend.” Cass looked at her and burst out laughing.
“Now I remember why were are friends, Marie. Remind me not to ever piss you off.” Marie handed her the cocktail and kept her eyes on Cass as Mark came to her side and kissed her on the cheek.
“What are you two talking about?” Mark asked, looking from Cass to Marie.
“Nothing honey, its fine.”
Cass breathed out and smiled at Marie who returned it but shook her head. She ignored her and looked up just as Rory waved to her and made his way back to them.
He was followed closely by Darragh, who waved at her also and smiled raising his eyebrows at her.She had grown fond of Darragh, and was no longer uncomfortable with his quiet nature. He was the opposite of Rory in every way. His gentle and easy going nature was at odds with his fiery Viking-like appearance. He was an absolute sweetheart and Cass enjoyed his conversation. Darragh knew everything there was to know about food and loved to talk about cooking. He became most animated when he mentioned his travels around the world. She smiled at him and waved back.
Rory was looking anxious. “Everything all right?” she asked him.
“My ex is here, her name is Abigail and there is a chance she could be out for a bit of trouble.” Cass raised her eyebrows.
“Oh. You’ve never really mentioned her.” Cass felt a wave of jealously run through her and then a feeling of foreboding crept back in. “What does she look like, Rory?” Rory scanned the room and bit his lip.
“Five ten, long black hair and blue eyes. Why?”
“Because I think she’s walking towards us! And she seems to have hooked up with my ex Jonathan.”
“What!” Rory practically shouted.
The quiet one is often guilty.
Irish proverb
Cassidy’s eyes narrowed as Abigail moved through the crowd, a look of pure mischievous intent on her beautiful face. Her eyes were fixed on Rory, her lips twitching. Something was about to happen. Cassidy could feel it. She watched as Darragh grabbed Abigail by the forearm and tried to pull her off the dance floor. Jonathan appeared from the other side and pulled her towards him, slapping away Darragh’s hand. Cassidy was mesmerised by the scene unfolding in front of her, the noise from the guests faded out and she cocked her head to the side; caught up in the struggle between the three. She couldn’t take her eyes off them. The three of them were like children playing tug of war. And then it was over; Abigail let out a yelp and pulled herself free storming towards them. Darragh was hot on her heels as she marched over. Cassidy caught the look of terror that Darragh shot Rory and frowned in confusion as Rory tried to move her away from Abigail.
“What’s going on?” she said stopping and shaking off his hand.
“Wait a minute Rory, wait! Whatever it is she wants to say to me, I want to hear it.”
“Trust me, you don’t Cassidy. There’s something I should have told you. Something I think Abigail knows about.”
“What do you mean? What should you have told me? What does she know?”
And then before he could respond Abigail was standing in front of Cassidy smirking. She looked from Cass’ face to Rory’s and shook her head in disbelief.
“Rory O’Malley, you are the devil. You managed to pull it off! Congratulations! I should have known someone as rich and determined as you could get that kind of sensitive information, eventually. Oh, it all makes sense now!”
Abigail threw back her head and laughed, a shrill horrible sound.
“I found out the most amazing little bit of information tonight from my good friend, Jonathan. You just never know how connected people are until you get chatting. I should have known there was something else going on. She isn’t exactly your usual type is she? A bit too much meat on her bones.”
Cass gasped and held Marie back as she started to move towards Abigail. “No, Marie. I want to hear what she
has to say.”
Abigail never took her eyes from Rory and smiled slowly at him. “It’s not like you to fuck someone less than perfect. I knew there had to be a reason as to why you were slumming it! Although Jonathan tells me she’s very eager to please in the bedroom.”
Abigail winked and whispered behind her hand loudly. Rory stepped forward and moved towards Jonathan, his hands and jaw twitching. Cassidy blinked and shook her head.
Marie raised her voice and stepped in front of Abigail’s face. “Hey! Listen lady! Who the hell do you think you are?”
Cass looked at Rory waiting for him to intervene.
Rory stood as still as a statue and spoke quietly.
“Do not do this Abigail. Do not do this. If you do, it will end badly for you. I will destroy you.”
“Oh don’t give me that Rory. You no longer GET to tell me what to do! I’m not yours anymore. Although, I’m sure I could still make you as hot for me as you always were.”
She looked back at Jonathan, who was standing behind her smiling pathetically and looking more than a bit out of it. Cassidy felt Rory tense beside her and saw that his fists were clenched by his side. She had never seen him looking so vicious, so violent. He leaned in to Abigail and almost whispered.
“Leave now Abigail. Go home. You are not welcome here and take that mutt with you.”
He nodded in the direction of Jonathan, his lip snarling. Jonathan was pale and the blood seemed to have drained from his face.
Cassidy shrunk back from the group, Abigail turned to look at her, eyes flashing. “You poor thing,” she said, shaking her head in fake concern. Her lips bared like a vicious dog.
“You don’t know do you? He is fucking you as a reward for your brother’s lungs. You must feel so used. So betrayed.”